Spreading Love and Hope: CWG Markets Charity Event in Ho Chi Minh City

14 Jun, 2024

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – Recently, the CWG Markets Vietnam office visited a welfare school for underprivileged children, bringing gifts and joy to the kids. Among these children, some have lost eit

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – Recently, the CWG Markets Vietnam office visited a welfare school for underprivileged children, bringing gifts and joy to the kids. Among these children, some have lost either their father or mother, while others are orphans living with elderly grandparents who can no longer earn an income. Their living conditions are extremely challenging.


Supporting the Underprivileged and Promoting Educational Development

The event, held at a school located in one of the lowest-wage working areas of Ho Chi Minh City, focused on making a positive impact on the lives of these students. This region is characterized by significant economic challenges, and CWG Markets Vietnam is committed to supporting the local community and improving the lives of its members. CWG carefully prepares school supplies, books, and daily necessities for each child, encouraging them to bravely pursue their dreams and study hard. Through these gifts, we aim to convey a key message: education and knowledge can change destinies and help them break the vicious cycle of poverty.


Corporate Background and Social Responsibility

As a member of the London Stock Exchange and regulated by the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), CWG Markets is committed to providing excellent financial services globally. Beyond focusing on its business growth, CWG Markets is dedicated to giving back to society and helping those in need. The company is also a long-term donor to UNICEF, actively participating in various charitable activities to fulfill its corporate social responsibility. The recent charity event in Vietnam is a testament to CWG Markets' dedication to social welfare, showcasing the company's passion and commitment to philanthropic causes.


CWG Markets will continue to uphold the philosophy of "Caring, Supporting, Achieving the Future," and will persist in advancing various charitable projects globally. The company aims to bring warmth and hope to more people in need and looks forward to collaborating with more partners in the future to write new chapters in social philanthropy.


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